The Difference Between Domestic and Commercial Washing Machines

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Many businesses don’t look much further than price and size when it comes to comparing domestic washing machines with commercial washing machines. But there is so much more to consider when investigating the differences in these types of laundry machines, including, durability, cycle times, water and energy efficiency, thermal disinfection, and warranty. When it comes down to it, having a washing machine that is most suitable to your specific laundry needs will always save you the most money in the long run because of the operational efficiencies it will provide. The secret to finding a washing machine solution with the best outcome for your business, is to speak with an expert.

Made to Break Vs Made to Last

It’s no secret that the whitegoods produced in this day and age are made to break. Gone are the days of the local repair man and those that do go down the path of having domestic machines repaired are often told that it will be cheaper to replace the whole thing. Even when parts are replaced, the machines have not been designed in this way, and you are likely to find yourself replacing the same part or a corresponding part again in the near future. Because you’ve been using a domestic machine in a business setting, the machine is done within a couple of years of purchase. Commercial grade washing machines on the other hand are designed and made for constant use, every day of the week. They’re also designed to be serviced and repaired, keeping them in good running shape for at least 10 years.

Time is Money

When considering the differences in price between a domestic washing machine and a commercial washing machine, time should really be factored into that equation. Commercial washers can take half the time of a domestic washer, which is much more convenient and allows for more loads per day. Time is valuable to any business.

Energy & Water Efficiency

In addition to much lower cycle times, commercial washing machines also have much lower energy and water consumption than your regular domestic washers. Commercial washers also tend to have much faster spin speeds, which means less time required in the dryer, also saving on energy use. Consider the yearly savings on energy bills when investing in a commercial washing machine.

Hygiene Standards

Depending on your business, hygiene standards may be of high importance to you. For those businesses that have a reputation that relies on cleanliness, such as beauty spas, hairdressers and gyms, thermal hygiene will ensure the highest of hygiene standards. This means that the washing machine has heated elements within the machine itself, maintaining the heat of the hot water. Domestic machines do not have this feature. While you can use hot water for the wash, the temperature will not remain at that level and therefore proper thermal disinfection cannot be achieved.

Domestic Machine in a Business Setting Voids Warranty

There’s a reason the warranty is void for domestic machines used within a business setting; they were not designed for such use and so are more likely to break within the warranty period. Commercial washing machines come with excellent warranties and are designed for the exact purpose you’re using it for, and so are less likely to break so early on.

Small Commercial Washing Machine Recommendations

Customers who have come to us after using a domestic washing machine for their business are always over the moon with their purchase, often buying another machine and questioning why they hadn’t gone down this path earlier. They’re almost shocked at the sheer difference in performance and how much less work they have to do. Aqualogic have an extensive range of small-commercial and commercial machines that will suit any business setting. We recommend speaking with a laundry professional, as they will get to know the specific requirements of your laundry and make a recommendation that will offer the best solution for your budget and space. Get in touch with Aqualogic on 1300 222 119 or make an online enquiry here.

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Aqualogic were very proactive and comprehensive in their approach to solutions. The whole process has been made so simple because it has all been taken care of by Aqualogic. As a busy holiday park, we are very pleased with the new machinery, the cashless systems and the ongoing maintenance service.

Beachside Holiday Parks, Port Stephens, NSW


We have had a relationship with Aqualogic for many years. They have the largest maintenance team and better availability of parts, both of which were major decision criteria for us.

The Hills Lodge​, Baulkham Hills, NSW


Aqualogic have over time consistently provided competitive pricing, high quality product and dependable service. They understand our business, our guests and the demands the staff are under. Their laundry solutions have always placed our business first, which is critical for a busy 4 star resort in a regional location.

Fairmont Resort​, Leura, NSW


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7 Costly Mistakes You Must Avoid

When Buying Commercial Washing Machines

7 Costly Mistakes You Must Avoid

When Buying Commercial Dryers

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